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Cube Infotech a premier executive search firm focusing on IT, and Senior Management Functions having blue chip clientele’s who retain us for their talent acquisition drives. We are currently retained by both Indian and MNC IT companies and Cube infotech have been helping them in ramping up the skill sets and have developed good head hunting skills. We are an established staffing firm operating in the IT / Telecom / Banking / Insurance and other industries providing a range of services including executive search, turnkey projects, compensation benchmarking, overseas assignments.

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Cube Infotech is the most fundamental expression of our Client First vision resides in our unique structure. We are dedicated to meet individual client needs through the personalized attention & the resources of a global leader. We as an organization are perceived as aggressive, process driven, possessing hands-on expertise to understand businesses with deep-rooted industry networking.

We believe in a company is what its people make it; thus, we have consciously built a well mixed team of experienced professionals spruced up by fresh young engineering & management graduates.

Our expertise to handle large / unique projects with a time bound clear milestone based approach has helped us to achieve maximum success in our talent acquisition drives for our clients.

Our team will analyse and study your requirements, undertake extensive research which helps us to map out the relevant industry, identify potential job seekers, create interest about your company and finally recommend interested and suitable profiles to you through a set, pre-definesd process. By tailoring our search to your unique needs we are able to shortlist the individual or team most capable of handling the challenges that lie ahead.

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